Ziff, Bruce and Rao, Pratima V. (eds.) Borrowed Power: Essays on Cultural Appropriation.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Appropriation of Creative Objects
Monday, April 16, 2007
Towards a Universal Semiology of Music
Throughout the book Nattiez presents us with historical glimpses into the ethnomusicological paradigms. One I enjoy, however only briefly touched upon in Music and Discourse, is the field’s acknowlegement of the intelligence/theoretical savvy of the Other (in this case we refer to non-western music origins). Nattiez notes, “We have gradually discovered (by examining the metaphorical language borrowed from the conceptual universe, especially the religious universe, unique to each culture) that the “savage mind” can also operate in the realm of music theory, with a precision that is a bit disturbing for smug western feelings of superiority.” (p. 105). Slowly the western elite give up their western man and the other division to acknowledge the diversity of critical thought and narrative in non-European and American contexts, pertaining to the construction of music. This beckons the question, though I am not intending to immediately defeat the purpose of Nattiez’s book, of whether or not it is possible to construct a semiological toolkit for analyzing all of the music of the world, and furthermore where society is really to gain from this undertaking. First is the nature of music itself. Can we transcribe all of the meanings into written and spoken word? Are we reducing the significance or purpose of music by doing so? Nattiez presents a chart of the common tonalities (C major, D minor, etc.) (pp. 124-126). The point here is to show that different composers each attribute different feelings or emotions to each tonality. The meaning therefore can be said to vary based on interpretation. This I see as a basic example of how the whole mission of creating a semiology of music is highly problematic from the start.
Music and Semiology
Nattiez, Jean-Jacques. Music and Discourse: Toward a Semiology of Music.
Beyond defining a semiological toolkit, Nattiez discusses the concept of music. The troubled nature of talking about music is summarized in two points: “Do we have a stable definition of music, and the musical, available to us?” And, “Is it legitimate to speak of “music” with respect to cultures that do not have such a concept, that distinguish between music and nonmusic?” Thus, Nattiez sets the grand context of discussion in his work as a “western, North American-European context.” (p. 41)
The old binary of music-noise is brought up here. Nattiez goes in depth to discuss how we may reach distinction between the two. By defining one, we reach the other. He cites the work of John Cage, who is famous for, among other things, 4’33”, a silent piano composition. This piece is often referred to in discussions pertaining to the music or noise question. Nattiez concludes in part; “The distinction between sound and noise has no stable, physical basis, and the way we employ these two terms is culturally conditioned from the outset.” (p. 46). Also, in one of Nattiez’s humorous observations: “It is hardly surprising that, at any given time, composers who have adopted sounds that others consider “noise” would either like to be considered revolutionaries, or have come to be regarded as such by others…” In the end, there is no consensus between what is noise and what is sound (p. 47).
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Liverpool music scene
Sara Cohen discusses the notion of a distinct style of music in
Brazilian culture continued
What I find most intriguing about Reily’s essay on Brazilian culture is how one person can have such a great influence on society. It is interesting how Andrade functioned first on as a notable author, secondly as someone who took it upon himself to actively evaluate the variety and historical lineage of Brazilian musical styles. He conducted research on the psyches of composers/musicians in Brazilian and the audience within a cultural context. He constructed meta-narrative on the role of the artist and the intellectual in society. As stated, Reily presents Andrade as shaped and formed by both the intellectual role he played and those around him, those he was concerned with. This is all in the context of Andrade’s strong feeling, a moral obligation to better the Brazilian, and bolter support for, basically, a reevaluation/redefinition of
Ethnicity, Identity, and Music
Stokes, Martin (Ed.). Ethnicity, Identity, and Music: The Musical Construction of Place. Berg Publishers:
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
In the Glitter
After reading the substantial theoretical grounding for Reconstructing Pop/Subculture, I read through the remainder of the text. I found myself referring back to the first few chapters on British cultural theory. Though I was content reading the glorious history of the Factory and glitter rock, most interesting is how Cagle intertwines cultural/subcultural themes or trends….he presents an evolutionary study: how one style or scene affects the next. Though not a definite origin, the Factory is a starting point for Cagle’s discussion, a snapshot in the time-line of subculture’s trends. It is almost perfect in its literalness: the Factory was a scene where the theme was: cultural site of production. Cagle’s descriptions mark how the Factory was a locus of people coming together and reinventing their identity. The Factory was simply open. Warhol was in effect toying with the notion that in the age of Pop anyone could attain fifteen minutes in the limelight. In this respect as well as the means and function of the art produced, the Factory was a cultural factory. Its output was its input plus a slant, often silent as in the paintings or nihilistic as was the music.
The argument Cagle presents finds its way deeper into the correlation between
Theoretical Groundwork
In the next few days I will be posting reading responses to the two books I have read over Semana Santa, the Mexican Easter week.
Cagle, Van M. Reconstructing Pop/Subculture: Art, Rock, and Andy Warhol. Sage Publications:
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
3/25/07 Entry Seven: Soundtracks
Chapter ten is entitled
As for Soundtracks, I will end my journal entries with chapter ten. Through examples such as
3/23/07 Entry Six: Soundtracks
Music and space as “dialectic” (p. 192)
This theme becomes quite drastic when we look at how people in power use sound or music to control space. One example our authors give is Wired Radio Inc., a company that “began to transmit specialist programmes that could be subscribed to by businesses. Programs were implemented as early as World War II (p. 194). We know this system of influence well, as it surrounds us in shopping malls, gas stations, workplaces, transit systems, even elevators. It is interesting to consider the amount of architecture involved on a sonic level. Reminiscent of WWII propaganda films and conspiracy-like thoughts on military brainwashing of the psyche, though perhaps not as severe, we are surrounded by a subtle sonic order. Interesting to note is that Connell and Gibson analyze such order or construction at the Mall of America (pp. 196, 197).
Music and sound on the subconscious level perhaps led to an overt marketing of ambient, lounge music and the multitude of soundscape albums (whales, ocean breakers, winds, rains, jungle). In this case one can set the mood; the listener can program him/herself to raise the likelihood of a desired emotional/mental state.
3/22/07 Entry Five: Soundtracks
World Music as a marketing category
World music is perhaps best understood on economic terms. It is a sum of what sells based on anthropologists’ notion of the other, or what is exotic. “Its definition depends on the social, political and demographic position of certain minority groups in a particular country.” (p. 153) Can country music therefore be classified as world music if it, for example, comes out of
3/20/07 Entry Four: Soundtracks Part two continued
We can take the notion of linking music to location by understanding scenes. The construction thereof is best summarized by thinking of music as “made in specific geographical, socio-economic and political contexts, and lyrics and styles are always likely to reflect the positions of writers and composers within these contexts.” Furthermore, “To understand how musical activities may be shaped by places it is necessary to explore local musical practices, institutions, and behavior.” (p. 90)
Connell and Gibson chart out examples of constructed music scenes. They list many, including the “
The notion of origin
I will briefly note the notion of origin brought up by the authors, though I do not wish at this point to reflect thereupon. Connell and Gibson question the authentic roots of certain music genres, an inherently problematic gesture. We attempt a balance between the tangible historical flow of fact and romantic fascination. When and how did punk rock form? Where does electronic music originate? In the case of punk rock, our romanticist urge takes us to
“Fetishisation of locality” (p. 143)
3/17/07 Entry Three: Soundtracks Part two (Chapter 4,5,6)
Connell and Gibson look at how lyrics in songs reflect relationships with place. For example, hip-hop lyrics in
Interesting to note is the section entitled See the Noise. This scratches the surface of analyzing the culture of music through visual means. How do visuals reinforce the authentic? The authors brush upon visuals from record sleeves, CD jackets, and music videos. Important here are how the musicians are depicted – clothing, paraphernalia – and their depicted location. Codes are constantly at work, such as in hip-hop: “The neighborhood and the ghetto became the focus of funk and then hip-hop cultures, both in a discursive sense…and physically (as the site of ‘authentic’ performances and cultural roots…).” (p. 85)
Friday, March 16, 2007
Entry Two: Soundtracks Part one (introduction-chapter 3)
In the first chapter Connell and Gibson present the premise of their book, roughly, identity of music as found in the relationship between music and space. The authors introduce the binary of “fixity and fluidity” (pp. 9, 10). This theme is revisited throughout the book in its many manifestations; the authors note: “both ‘fixity’ and ‘fluidity’ operate as umbrella terms that reflect a range of spatial practices, tendencies, decisions and physical objects” (p. 9). When we grapple with the issue of authenticity, a central concept to both Soundtracks and my own research, the above binary becomes very interesting. Does the ethnomusicologist look for ‘traditional’ music fixed in place and origin? How does the researcher incorporate the fluidity of music when describing what is authentic and traditional based on fixity? How may we understand the notion of traditional? We are in a state that both complicates and makes interesting such notions. Dare I mention globalization? Simon and Garfunkel’s El Condor Pasa is a song, now decades old, that is a direct interpolation of a South American ‘traditional’ melody. Several days ago, I heard a Mexican version of the said song. Do origins vanish or are they rewritten? Does ownership denote a moment in time, an accreditation of a musical construction to a person?
Back to the binary of fluidity-fixity: authenticity based thereupon may be paralleled to ‘nature’ as notion. Nature is man’s construct, a reaction to the historic departure from the grasslands of
Connell and Gibson approach this idea, this return to original space, or region from a venturing out: “Metaphors of hybridity, and of fluid, virtual spaces explain only part of the story; mobility triggers new attempts at fixity – holding on to traditions despite losses of popular appeal, constructing spaces for local expressions…marketing music through place and marketing place through music.” Hence, place as a determinant of authenticity in music is at least in part a construct. The authors further discuss copyright as a “crucial concept underpinning fluidity” as it denotes the diffusion of music. Copyright is one instance of a “cultural gatekeeper” (p. 46).
Chapter three delves further into the diffusion of music. A tension exists between how people (be they creators, owners, audience, researchers of a certain music) approach such diffusion: “Though hybridity took different forms in different places, what some took as a threat to local distinctiveness was interpreted elsewhere in a more positive light and, in some cases, fluidity of musical influences provided blueprints for new reclamations of place” (p. 50). The stress exists between the perceived loss of tradition and the perceived opportunity to create anew…
Connell, John and Gibson, Chris. Soundtracks: Popular music, identity and place. Routledge:
3/11/07 Entry One: Basis
In the past half year I have managed to shift my physical location drastically. I began formulating my research proposal in November in
In either case I imagined a situation where looking at the movement of sub-cultural styles into mainstream culture's incorporation would be possible. Specific case ideas I was considering were the Go Go music of DC (from the history of the genre to the appropriations of its styles in popular music) and the production Stomp (again, from the historical roots to popular theatre). In DC, field research on Go Go music would have been unsurpassed as DC is the nucleus of the Go Go scene. In England, I imagined that first world communication amenities and a positive view of a hyper-connected existence would prove more than ample in researching a cultural happening like Go Go that did not originate in England. Critically looking at Stomp in
I could not return to the
My basis for research remains the same. I am interested in how styles in music move. The notion of origin and subsequent cultural evolution perplexes me. Musings thereupon are my starting point. I have chosen physical location of music as the first facet of my research, thus Soundtracks: Popular music, identity and place by Connell and Gibson is my initial reading.